A motor vehicle (except a motor cycle or similar vehicle) designed to carry a load of less than 1 tonne and fewer than 9 passengers.
Commercial Vehicle
Generally a commercial vehicle would be a panel van or utility that has the capacity to carry a load of 1 tonne or more.
Available for private use
The circumstances in which a car is either used or deemed to be available for the private use of an employee or an associate will generally arise where any of the following situations apply:
Actual Car Expenses
Expenses that can be identified e.g. petrol, registration, insurance, repairs etc. Please note this does not include calculations based on the ATO's set rate per kilometre method.
Principal purpose of carrying passengers
Single Cab and Dual Cab Utilities
When determining whether a car with carrying capacity of less than 1 tonne is principally designed for carrying passengers, the number of passengers (including the driver) that the vehicle is capable of carrying is multiplied by 68 kilograms. This figure is then expressed as a percentage of the net carrying capacity of the car (gross vehicle mass less kerb side weight) and if it is 50% or greater, the car is considered to be principally designed for carrying passengers and is not eligible for an FBT exemption.
Vehicles other than Single Cab or Dual Cab Utilities (e.g. four-wheel drives)
Regard should be had to factors, including but not limited to:
The greater the number of factors that indicate a vehicle is designed for carrying passengers, rather than commercial use, the more likely it will be that the vehicle is designed for the principal purpose of carrying passengers.
Entertainment for FBT purposes is generally categorised into the following:
Spouse and/or children and includes relatives and other related entities
Recreation gifts
eg. tickets to theatre, movie or sporting event
Private expenses
eg. mobile phone (if not used primarily for business use), home/desktop computer, home telephone, health insurance premiums
Commercial car parking station
A commercial car parking station is one that charges a fee for all-day parking, is permanent and is operated as a business.
All-day parking means a single continuous period of 6 hours or more in daylight period. The parking station does not need to be managed by a parking operator, as long as it displays two or more of:
For example, could apply to shopping centre and hospital car parks.
Loan provided to an employee and no interest or low rate of interest charged (under 7.77% for 2024)
Business Stock
Property you sell in the ordinary course of business (unless provided and consumed on employer's premises)
Discount Price
Less than the arm's length purchase price of the goods to you or the market value of the goods (whichever is lesser)
Additional Cost
Costs in addition to the reasonable cost of accommodation and food and any other compensation for disadvantages associated with living away from home
Living Away from Home
Living away from their usual place of residence (where the employee maintains their usual place of residence, i.e. does not rent it out)
In house = services you provide to the public in the ordinary course of business, eg. professional law advice
External = services you don't provide or you arrange for your employees, eg. arrange solicitor to provide discounted services to your employees
Zero or low emissions vehicle
A vehicle is a zero or low emissions vehicle if it satisfies both of the following conditions:
a. It is a:
b. It is a car designed to carry a load of less than 1 tonne and fewer than 9 passengers (including the driver).
Note: Motorcycles and scooters do not qualify for the exemption.
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