For businesses, equipment loans are an excellent way to help you purchase assets without consuming your working capital and better manage your cash flow. By using equipment loans, you effectively are able to rent or lease items over a set contractual period which removes the need to spend large sums of capital on equipment or assets.
Equipment loans can be typically used to purchase a range of expensive equipment or assets, such as vehicles, forklifts, IT hardware, telephony systems, industrial machinery and other forms of plant and assets (trade and operating expenses or property is excluded from this type of lending).
We can help you arrange lending using any of the various types of equipment finance available, including:
Every business has unique lending requirements that can change over time. Perrier Ryan knows how to get you the best equipment loan options that will suit you and your business now and in the future.
Contact Us
07 3391 7566
07 3391 7726
Level 1, 30 Lisburn Street
East Brisbane Qld 4169
PO Box 1420
Coorparoo DC Qld 4151